Monday 21 January 2019

The Benefits of Proper Posture

Your grade school teacher wasn’t telling you to sit up straight just for the heck of it, in reality, proper posture can be extremely beneficial to your health. It may take some time and dedication to correct bad habits, but with some work and exercise most people can at the very least improve their posture and reap the rewards. Here are just a few of the many benefits of proper posture.

Less fatigue/more energy. Proper posture means your body is in alignment creating less stress and fatigue on your joints and muscles as they’re allowed to function more efficiently. The end result is a decreased sense of fatigue, which often translates into increased energy.

Fewer headaches. Cervicogenic headaches originate in the neck but quickly spread and radiate up. Although poor posture is definitely not the only cause of headaches, improving posture can help reduce the neck pain that leads to these specific headaches.

Reduce hip/knee/ankle pain. Posture has a huge effect on how we walk, and improper alignment while walking can often result in hip, knee, or ankle pain. Taking steps to improve our posture can also help eliminate these pains, as proper posture produces less stress on our joints while walking.

Better digestion. Yes, that’s right, poor posture could actually hinder digestion leading to conditions like acid reflux and heartburn. Straightening out can help alleviate pressure on our digestive organs, leading to fewer digestive difficulties.

Looking for more health tips and motivation? Browse the large selection of books available at

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