Sunday 2 February 2020

Should You Exercise Every Day?

If you read the bible, even God took a day to rest, so you should too, right? But here’s the thing; exercise is a lifestyle choice that takes a lot of hard work and dedication to turn into a habit. While conventional wisdom may dictate that your body needs some time to rest and recover in order to grow stronger, we’d like to put forth a different theory: You should exercise every single day. Now let’s set some ground rules.

Rest and recovery are important. Your body and your muscles do in fact need time to recover, but odds are you won’t be working the same muscle groups every day. Really want big biceps? That’s great, but you probably shouldn’t be working them more than 2-3 times a week, and you can work other body parts in the meantime.

You don’t always have to exercise to the point of exhaustion. Even bodybuilders can’t give it their max 7 days a week. Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean working your muscles to the point of failure, it can mean a light jog, a fun swim, or even a long walk. The point is to favor activity over time spent on the couch snacking on chips or candy.

Listen to your body. If your legs are sore, it may be a sign to reschedule leg day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get some quality time in with the rowing machine or on the bench press. Adapting your routine to what your body is telling you that day is an important part of preventing injuries, and it’ll go a long way in making daily exercise a sustainable practice.

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